Social Value
Taking account of social value in the award of central government contracts
Social value is now a minimum of 10% score in public procurement tenders following PPN 06/20 Procurement Policy Note 06/20
Amethyst Connect can guide you on your Social value journey, helping you embed it into your organisation, proactively implement and evidence the Social Value you are delivering.
We offer training and support on:
Introduction to Social Value
Legislative Context and procurement policy drivers
Social Value evaluation models used by contracting authorities
Indicators and Compliance
Policy and procedures
How to structure a tender social value response
We also have expertise in writing tender responses to meet the contracting authorities requirements, using their chosen evaluation model, to ensure optimal scoring and increasing tender success.
Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3)
Sarah is a Social Value Associate Practitioner and has also completed the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard eLearning Course.
Social Value & SROI Accredited Practitioner
Sarah is a Social Value Associate Practitioner and has also completed the Social Value and SROI Accredited Practitioner Training.
NHS Procurement Training
NHS Tender Discovery
Tender Gap Analysis
Tender Bid Writing and Support
Social Value Training
Contractual Social Value Support